How to use Bitcoin Cash (BCH) or Bitcoin (BTC) as a payment method on Amazon by using the Bitpay Extension in the Brave Browser - (Nandibear bought Carhartt jeans!)

Dec 2, 2021 @ 7:50 pm - Mississippi and Louisiana, USA | Dec 2, 2021 @ 9:50 pm - Greater Antilles, CAR 
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by Luke Nandibear  
Image credit: Luke Nandibear, Carhartt jeans ordered and received through Amazon using Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) payment method on Amazon

Needed a pair of jeans I'd feel comfortable and confident wearing while in both casual settings and working outside in the field (e.g., welding or painting).

I first started wearing Carhartt jeans in high school and later on wore them for work. I really liked the quality (material and manufacturing) of their jeans. That being said, after a while they seemed a little too baggy (regardless of the style and size). Found also that cheaper jeans ($5 at Walmart) were ok for work so at some point I stopped buying Carhartt.

It's 2021 now and most (not all) other jeans I've seen are made of cheap material (often stinks, bad odors which sometimes can hang around even after a good washing), poorly stitched together and the fit usually isn't great.

Most skinny (or skinny-ish at least) jeans have no room for the tallywacker so you have to tuck it back (tucked really tight). A good fitting pair of straight-leg jeans (which I prefer) are not easy to find . Loose or baggy jeans are now mostly wore by old timers (who once, what seems like long ago, railed against and criticized that look). So over the years I've found myself wearing whatever halfway decent quality, ok looking and alright fitting (usually straight leg and not too loose) jeans I can find (often wearing out the better ones as I wear them too frequently).

While thinking of quality jeans Carhartt came to mind again. Looked around and found they now offer a Straight Traditional Fit with a slightly tapered leg but will still fit over a boot yet slim enough to look alright if wearing shoes. Straight Fit Rugged Flex Tapered Jean is what Carhartt calls it (and the wording Straight Traditional Fit is also found on the tags).

The tag on these jeans also indicates that they're made with "... durable, abrasion-resistant denim."

I'm a big Bitcoin Cash (BCH) advocate / supporter so I like buying & selling products and services in that currency itself (rather than first trading for dollars or other fiat). The Bitpay Extension, which can be used in the Brave Browser, works remarkably well for using Bitcoin Cash (BCH) or Bitcoin (BTC) or other cryptocurrency as, essentially, a payment method at Amazon. Genuine peer-to-peer electronic cash.

Strictly speaking though, you're literally, or more accurately, buying a digital Amazon Gift Card in any specific amount of USD. It doesn't feel or seem like that's what you're doing though. The "user flow" of it feels, in every possible way it seems, as if you're using Bitcoin Cash (BCH) as a specific payment method at Amazon.

Image credit: Bitpay Extension: Shop Amazon

Once you've installed (link above) the Bitpay Extension and you have an item or items in your Amazon cart you can head to the checkout and you'll see an option to Pay with Bitpay. Click on the plus (+) sign and you'll get an option to select a dollar and cents amount (by default it will be set to the amount of the item(s) + shipping but you can change it to any amount lesser or greater):

Image credit: Amazon checkout, Pay with Bitpay (note: I have an existing balance of $6.33 credit from a previous Amazon gift card via Bitpay so the amount due shown is minus that).

After you click on pay you'll see different cryptocurrencies which are supported as well as bitcoin/crypto wallets which are supported if you're using those and would like to pay from there. I selected Bitcoin Cash (green color, tilted back Bitcoin logo). (note: Apparently Bitpay is still referring to Bitcoin Cash as "Bitcoin ABC" which is no longer accurate. This should be changed to Bitcoin Cash as ABC vs BSV is longer over (and so is ABC vs BCHN)).

Image credit: Bitpay QR code at Amazon checkout to purchase an Amazon Gift Card (note: I altered the QR code for privacy, yours wont have the faces or other drawings)

From there you can pay with any wallet which allows you to scan the Bitpay QR code or you can copy and paste the Bitpay payment link into any wallet and send from there.

The only hiccup (and it's ever so slight) in the otherwise exceptionally smooth user flow is that before you can complete checkout at Amazon you must first "claim" the Amazon gift card as part of your Amazon gift card account balance which is on a different page and then return to checkout.

My review of the featured Carhartt jeans is that they're sort of a skinny-ish straight leg. Probably more on the straight leg side other than the crotch which should probably have more room (dropped down further). All things considered (including the difficulty one encounters in trying to find a pair of jeans which are both quality made and alright looking) I'd probably rate them an 8.5 out of 10. It's much too early to determine how well they'll hold up after some wear though. Will post an update in a few months or so.

Update 1 (date of update: Jan. 23, 2022):

Correction: This is not accurate (from above article): The only hiccup (and it's ever so slight) in the otherwise exceptionally smooth user flow is that before you can complete checkout at Amazon you must first "claim" the Amazon gift card as part of your Amazon gift card account balance which is on a different page and then return to checkout.

I didn't realize it until recently but you can add the gift card code on the checkout page without leaving the page. The Amazon gift card code automatically populates the text box input area under "Payment method" once you pay the BitPay Invoice (an overlay popup on the checkout page).

Example from a more recent Amazon order after using Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to pay the BitPay Invoice:

Image credit: Amazon checkout, "Add a gift card or promotion code or voucher."

Article word count: 854

Count including updates (if any): 999 nandi bear luke

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